Occasionally we hit a brick wall.
No inspiration flows to the surface.
It seems all we have are questions. There is nothing wrong with questions. Questions are good. They keep us from being complacent or even lazy.
Questions and their answers may require action or change. Sometimes it is much easier to stay with the status-quo, to do what we always do. And guess what? You get what you always got!
Questions are often a sign of imminent change. Change in direction, change in commitment, or maybe a realization that no change is required.
Today I have been pondering church services. A priest stated earlier in the week that we don’t come to church for ourselves, but for God. He suggested we might not feel like going, because it is bad weather; we may feel we don’t get anything out of it, or we want some space for ourselves. He continued, there are days he does not feel like taking a service. Maybe he wants some time for himself too!
To be honest, I am not sure that his reasoning or theology strikes a chord with me. I am not particularly clear on the fact that we go to church for God. I am not convinced that God expects us to show up. After all, if God is in all, and all things are in God, we don’t have to go anywhere to meet God.
I think people go to Church for a variety of reasons, ranging from connecting with like-minded people, to hoping for spiritual nourishment or inspiration. Maybe it does make them feel good? Those who have been brought up in the Roman Catholic Church might think they are under obligation? During lockdown, those in power stated that attending Mass by watching ‘online’ were fulfilling their obligation. This is another aspect that doesn’t sit well with me. ‘Obligation’ and ‘duty’ are red flags for power and control!
I understand the reason why we do things can be quite convoluted. There is often some historical reasoning and possible current hopes, which stimulate us to go to church. As long as the service is over and done within an hour, because there are other items on our busy ‘to-do lists’.
It is great to build community. The phrase ‘no man is an island’ certainly rings true. Community, and a sense of belonging are essential for our mental well-being. Church can fill that need and desire. However….
People are quite happy to chat before the service, rather than observe prayer full silence, because most people are caught up in their own lives and have enough on their plate.
Friendliness is vital for a Christian Community, but how many people stay behind and chat to newcomers? How many are willing and able to visit those in age care facilities, or who are lonely at home?
So do we need to go to church? And for whom?
My next question is, what is our expectation, and is that expectation valid?
My hope is that the church community is engaging and interested in spiritual matters. That there are people with open and enquiring minds; people who are open to explore different concepts and a wider range of theology.
So far, my experience is that people do what they always do. They don’t seem to think or read much broader than their Parish priest, or the parish priest they grew up with. Indeed, the older generation seem to accept whatever is offered. The younger generation is too busy with work, family and sport commitments, the hour a week is all they have. Most people seem more interested in reality TV than reading philosophy or theology. So if you want anything more engaging than what is offered, you will have to find it yourself.
Faith appears to be dying out in our society.
And so I am pondering the consequences of that.
I wonder if the ‘double belonging’ like Zen and Catholicism will be the new norm.
Seek peace. Find it within.