Friday, 8 January 2021

Abundant Abundance

A new year, with fresh hopes and dreams. The hope for an uneventful year. A year where we can catch our breath, take stock and carry on. 

New Year’s resolutions appear to have gone out of fashion. The year just gone has left a few people struggling, and shell shocked. Why would you even bother to make resolutions? 


In general, they are forgotten before January has come to an end. I like the idea of New Year’s resolution. A time to take stock and set goals that help me focus on the year ahead. 

Goals that are realistic and measurable, goals that nudge me along, rather than hit me over the head with demanding deadlines. Simple goals, for example, to be mindful of the environment; buying from local suppliers or with sustainability in mind. Another great goal is to increase fitness and wellbeing. Fitness levels are easy to measure, and goals can be set—a gradual goal which can be worked on at a regular basis, with determination or with patience.


A few years ago, I came across 'A word for the year'. This word is not the newly invented, or the most used word of the past year. It is a word one chooses to nudge them along during the year. A word that sums up your thoughts and intentions for the year to come.


Do you choose 'A word for the year', or do you stick with New Year’s resolutions? Or maybe you have decided to give up on those? Did you give up because it felt like adding pressure rather than a positive focus for your life?

In the past, I have used the words ‘Surrender’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Love’. Surrender to let go of things I could not control. Trust that all would be well and would work out for the best. And the word Love, to remind myself that I am loved, that others are loved and to see the world with love.


This year my word is Abundance; Abundance and abundantly. I thought about other words before I settled on this. There was Discipline, SELF-discipline to be exact. Not exactly a kind, gentle nudging word. It is a word that feels prickly, and although I probably could improve on the self-discipline side of things, it is a word I need to think of. Self-discipline in exercise, food choices, or even in how I spend my spare time. Discipline to write a weekly blog…. And so the list goes on. However, it did not feel right for 2021.


Gratitude was next on the list. Gratitude is a spiritual discipline, to be grateful for the great life I have; the people around me who love me and appreciate me. Somehow it is not the word I need for this year.



One of my favourite verses in John’s Gospel: ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’.  (John 10:10) That sounds and feels right. Abundance in exercise, abundance in work and inspiration. Abundantly. No financial concerns, or worry about workload. To live with abundance, to live life to the full, open handedly as the Buddhist say.


So I did a quick search through Scripture and found in Luke Gospel: ‘One’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions’. (Luke 12:15) 

In 2Cor 9:8, Paul writes that ‘God provides you with every blessing in abundance’.

I think life is about being present in the now and an awareness of living in God’s presence. 

My word for 2021 is Abundance. 


May you have a year of Abundant Abundance!  



Seek Peace. Find it within.


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